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All Clubs and Societies

Information about Clubs and Societies

Clubs and Societies in and near Sampford Peverell

This is a list of clubs, societies and interest groups with contact info and/or links to websites where possible.

See also the page on sport and exercise for badminton, cricket, cycling, football, skittles, tai chi, tennis, walking, yoga etc.

Art Group
The Art Group meets on Tuesday afternoons for 2 hours in the Methodist Chapel school room. For more information please contact Gerald Dinnage on telephone number 01884 820575

Bell ringers
The bellringers ring the six bells in the parish church when required, and they practise on Thursday evenings.

Book clubs
There are a lot of avid readers in the village and at least three book clubs. Ask around for contacts if you are interested in joining one.

The nearest Brownie group is in Willand – for more information see their web site:

Busy bees
A craft group for youngsters in Sampford Peverell. They have a Facebook page.

Camcorder club
The Tiverton Camcorder Club is a group of amateur video-makers who meet monthly in Uplowman (2 miles from Sampford Peverell) to review members’ creative work and experiences, with a programme of guest speakers. For more information contact

Caring Friends
The Caring Friends provide help with transport for medical or dental attention to those in the village who do not get statutory help, and have no friends or family who can help. They charge a minimum of £3 for the first 3 miles, and then 45p a mile. They can also visit those who just need some company. If you are interested in becoming a Caring Friend or need their help see the details at the back of the Parish Magazine or phone 07305 049541

Composting group
This group of volunteers manages the green waste facility in the road leading to the station. A bit of work is needed once a month, and the profits made are given to local clubs and charities. Sampford residents can leave garden waste there from March to October. For more details contact Bernie O’Connell on 07773 560123

Friends of the Grand Western Canal
For more information see:

Garden club
Sampford Peverell and District Garden Club meets monthly in the Village Hall and has speakers and outings. The next meeting can usually be found on the home page of this site.

Girl Guides
If you are interested in Girlguiding there are groups in Willand, Cullompton and Tiverton. See this website for more information:

Knitting group
The Knitting Group meets on Monday afternoons in 12 Blackdown View. They knit items for a variety of charities including FORCE and Devon Air Ambulance. They are always happy to receive donations of wool.

Model Railway Club
The Culm Valley Model Railway Club meets every Thursday evening in their club room at the Old Well Garden Centre, Waterloo Cross. For more information see

Mothers’ Union
The Sampford Peverell and Uplowman branch of the Mothers’ Union meets once a month on a Monday afternoon. For more information about the Mothers’ Union in general see:

Royal British Legion
The Sampford Peverell and Uplowman branch of the British Legion meets regularly, and also includes a women’s section.

Sampford Peverell Society
This group looks at the history of Sampford Peverell, and organises talks and visits. See also the Sampford Peverell Society website here:

Sampford Singers
The Sampford Singers is a friendly group made up of soprano, alto, tenor and bass voices led by our conductor, Rosie Bruce, and accompanied by our pianist, Joy Moore. We sing a variety of music and perform a Spring and Christmas concert. We rehearse in the Methodist Church, Higher Town, on a Monday evening from 7.15 to 8.45pm. There is no audition and it is not necessary to read music. Do come along to a rehearsal or ring Margaret on 01884 820575 or Wendy on 01884 821318 for more information.

Willand Scout Group meet every Monday evening during term time from 7.15-9pm at Willand Village Hall. All welcome between the ages of 10½–14. For more information contact Tom at

Toddler group
The Toddler group meets once a week in the village hall during term times, and includes a monthly child health clinic. For dates, times and cost see:

There is a Traidcraft sale of fair trade products in the Methodist Chapel on the first Thursday of every month, with coffee on sale from 11.00 and light lunches from 12 till 2, to raise money for the Traidcraft charity.

Tree wardens
Having planted hundreds of trees in the Parish over the years, the wardens now concentrate on maintaining those on publicly-owned land. We arrange working parties from time to time, and all are welcome to join us. Contact Peter Bowers 01884 820256.

Twinning Association
Sampford Peverell is twinned with Notre Dame de Courson in Normandy, France, and there are regular visits between the two. For more information see the Sampford Peverell and District Twinning Association website here:

Women’s Institute
The local branch of the W.I. is based in Uplowman.

Local Groups and Societies

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